Black Sunday Film

Katreana Bellew, daughter of Lieutenant John Bellew who died in the Line of Duty in 2005, has written a screenplay about the Black Sunday Fires that took her dad’s life.

Katreana is looking to put the story of Black Sunday on the big screen. In 2005, six men were forced to jump from a five-story building to escape flames in an illegally partitioned Bronx apartment building, leading to the deaths of Lieutenant Curtis Meyran and Lieutenant John Bellew. Across the city, Firefighter Richard Sclafani died in a Brooklyn fire.

Eighteen years later, Katreana Bellew has written a screenplay about the fire and the criminal trial that came after it. The 110-page screenplay has been recognized in 14 film festivals. She is currently seeking investments, as well as film industry connections, to help the movie become a reality.

You can support the film by spreading the word, and by checking out the website, where you can purchase a hat with John’s badge number to support the story.