65-2 #70 of 2024 Wake and Funeral Arrangements Active FF Patrick Sheridan
NY1 | Advocates for 9/11 First Responders Push for Continued Support Through Illnesses
Fox Business | 9-11-24 | U.S. Marks 23 Years since 9/11 Terror Attacks | Interview with UFA President Ansbro
CBS | Live Broadcast of Sept 9, 2024 UFA/UFOA Press Conference Calling for 9/11 Healthcare Funding
ABC | FDNY Unions Urge Continued Support for Members Sick with 9/11 Related Illnesses

Andrew Ansbro

Uniformed Firefighters Association

The UFA is a non-profit advocacy organization representing the health, safety and interests of New York City Firefighters and the citizens they are sworn to protect.

Security Benefit Fund

The UFA Security Benefit Fund (SBF) provides members pharmacy, optical and dental benefits.


UFA Preferred Partners keep our Firefighters safe on the frontlines and support them at home.


The FDNY lost many great men and women since September 11, 2001. Some perished on that horrific day, and many have battled illnesses and injuries since their heroic act of service. This page is dedicated to news and events, and serves in remembrance of those lost due to WTC Related Illnesses.

Political Action

Stay Informed

The UFA works hard to ensure the voices of every FDNY Firefighter are heard and our message is made clear. Stay informed by reviewing our endorsements and knowing who your council members are.


Get Involved

Fundraising is instrumental in building a network of support for our community. Learn more about the scholarships, aid and funds available to FDNY Members, Retirees and their Families.

2023 UFA Calendar

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2024 UFA Calendar

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