Sacred Heart Church 26 Still Road, Monroe

A memorial mass will be held on Thursday, November 23, 2023, at 9:30am honoring the memory of Lieutenant Robert J. Ryan of Engine 155 at Sacred Heart Church located at 981 Castleton Ave in Staten Island. Lieutenant Ryan died in the Line of Duty on November 23, 2008. Members and families are welcome. Members are…

UFA Pre-Retirement Zoom Seminar


Speakers include Marty Tighe, UFA Benefits Administrator; Ken Larkin, Social Security Attorney; and Peter Thomann, CPA & author of FDNY Road to Retirement. The seminar will go over topics such…

New York City Fire Museum Annual Santa Rescue

NYC Fire Museum 278 Spring Street, New York

Watch in amazement as a FDNY ladder truck embarks on a daring mission to rescue none other than Old Saint Nick himself! This unforgettable spectacle will take place at the…